Interested in contacting Pete?
Have a question or comment? Would your organization be interested in having him speak on Filipino American History, the Manong Generation, Filipino Farm Workers, the Bridge Generation, or…..?


  • Juvelyn Hartweg

    Hello Peter

    I am a Filipino American, half White born in the Philippines but migrated to US to live with my American family since I was 14.

    I would like to feature you as a speaker via Zoom about your experiences I am going to buy your book Growing up Brown to read about your perspective.

    I think your voice would be helpful in coaxing Filipinos to face their uncomfortable stance on racism. I would like to open the dialogue.

    I live South of Boston and will work with Stonehill College to see if we can arrange a special speaker series.

    Please contact me if you are interested in kick starting our conversations.
    Juvy Hartweg

  • Joey Tabaco

    If you attended the 2016 FANHS Con in NYC then yes, since I was one of the Chapter Board Members running the show. Prior to that was Seattle in 2010, Honolulu in 2006, and my first at St Louis in 2004.

    I had been planning to read your book Vanishing Filipino Americans: The Bridge Generation when it came out in a digital edition. Since it hasn’t, I broke down and bought a paperback edition from Amazon when I got your post since it would be nice if I knew better what you were interviewing me about the Bridge Gen unless you’d rather interview me cold.

    I was also wondering how you were going to conduct the interview. Do you Zoom, Voice call, or In-person? My personal email is but I’m registered with FANHS as…joey

    Joseph Tabaco
    FANHS Metro NY Chapter Board Member

    on July 9, 2021, at 2:59 PM, Peter Jamero posted on Joey Tabaco’s facebook wall:
    I publish a monthly blog and would like to feature you as a Bridge Generation Filipino American in a future issue. Please confirm your agreement to being interviewed; also please provide your email address. Thank you.
    I believe we met at a FANHS National Conference.

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